Life has gotten crazy busy. It seems like as soon as I have everything caught up the endless mound of laundry, dishes and errands repeats. While it can be overwhelming at times, I find that I’m in a better mind set if I take care of myself first. Starting the day off right starts with nutrition. Two of my go to recipes for breakfast are a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich and French toast. If you are limited to time the bacon, egg and cheese is the way to go.
- The bacon can be cooked on a baking sheet lined with foil (for easy clean up) at 375 degrees in the oven for 30-40 minutes flipping half way until it’s cooked to your desired doneness and then stored in the refrigerator.
- Before discarding the foil put the bacon grease from the sheet pan into a heat safe cup and store in the refrigerator until you are ready to make the eggs.
- To cook the eggs put a spoonful of bacon grease into a cast iron skillet and cook on medium heat until the egg whites have firmed up. Flip the egg at that point for 10-20 seconds. Remove the egg from the eat.
- While the eggs are cooking pop your favorite bread/bagel into the toaster
- To warm up the bacon pop the bacon in the microwave for 20 seconds.
- Once everything is cooked lay the bacon on the bottom piece of bread/bagel, stack the egg on top of the bacon and finally any piece of cheese. Top with the last piece of bread/bagel.
- Eat and enjoy!
Pro tip: Choose a clear container to store your eggs to ensure you never run out.
The French toast recipe may take a little more time to assemble and cook, but there is way less prep time.
- 4 eggs
- 2/3 cup milk
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 8 pieces of brioche bread
Whisk all ingredients together, dip both sides of the bread in the mixture and lay on a griddle at 350 degrees that has been lightly coated in butter. Cook the bread for 2-3 minutes per side. Spread butter and syrup. Eat and enjoy!
Pro tip: Store the left over egg mixture in a container in the fridge for up to two days.