How It Works
The Consultation
Contact us to set up an in-person or virtual consultation session, where you will choose one of three organizational avenues. We will discuss your specific needs, lifestyle, and goals.
The Process
First and foremost, it’s important to identify the overall goal for the space. That process includes deciding what does and does not work in that space. What do you love? What is missing? How can the space be more functional? Essentially, it’s important to envision the end before you can begin.
The next step is to take inventory. Whether it’s a drawer or a closet that’s being organized the process is the same.
Take everything out.
Yes, everything. Starting with a blank canvas is essential to creating a system that works.
Create categories.
The categories can be general or specific. Try not to get to hung up on this step. The idea is to put like things together. This step helps immensely with identifying what you don’t want, use or wear.
It’s okay to let go of things that are no longer serving you. My general rule is that if an item hasn’t been used in two years there better be a good reason to keep it. Sentimental items count as a good reason but should be stored in a way that honors them. Purging is where people usually get stuck, but it isn’t as scary as it sounds. Ask yourself if you need, use or want an item. Then decide if you’ll keep, sell, donate or dispose of that item. Just like that this step is complete.
Finally, it’s time to create a plan of action keeping the primary goals for the space in mind. In my experience design and function work together but aren’t equally important. If the overall product produces a space that looks good, but functionally doesn’t work the space won’t work. My intention is to create a space that does both. In general people are more likely to keep up with the system in place if it looks good and is easy to execute.
Enjoy & Maintain
Organization is a practice, not a process. While it would be nice to create an immaculate space where everything is always in its place, if you have children that probably isn’t a realistic expectation. Our goal is to leave you with an organizational system tailored to your lifestyle and what works best for you, so that maintenance comes with ease in an imperfect space. For those times when life continues to get in the way, we encourage you to utilize the tools provided on our website.